Are you in a tough spot? Unexpectedly pregnant? Desperately looking for a solution? Looking for the abortion pill online, or by mail?


Based on available state-level data, approximately 868,000 took place in the United States in 2018. Chemical abortions increased by 8.8%, making up 41% of total abortions in 2018. As of August 2020, only 38 states had reported abortion data for 2018. Before you place your order, here are some things to consider first:


If you’re considering the abortion pill, >33 states require pre-abortion counseling. 

According to the American Journal of Public Health, “Counseling is an integral part of abortion services. The manner in which referral and counseling are carried out plays a major role in determining whether the abortion patient is treated in a safe, humane, and dignified manner, and protected against exploitation.


At least 26 states require an ultrasound before an abortion.

Although New York is not one of them, we strongly encourage it because the likelihood of miscarrying in the first trimester is approximately 10-15%. An ultrasound can help determine if your pregnancy is viable. If your pregnancy is not viable you will not need to get the abortion pill.


Medical oversight is imperative.

The abortion pill is actually two pills. The second medication, Misoprostol, will prompt the uterus to empty itself causing heavy bleeding, cramping, and possibly other symptoms.


It is possible to experience some light bleeding before taking the second medication, but the majority of heavy bleeding and cramping happens after the second pill. The bleeding and cramping can last up to several days. Other symptoms or side effects you may experience include:


  • Dizziness/headache
  • Weakness
  • Intense cramping
  • Nausea (potentially with vomiting)
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain in addition to cramping
  • Mild fever or chills


Because every woman is different, medical oversight is imperative. A follow-up appointment is also advised. Some of the medical abortion risks may include, but are not limited to:


  • An allergic reaction to the medication
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion
  • A failed abortion


Where can I go to find help?! 

If you’re unsure what step to take first, why not come to Pregnancy Help NYC? We can offer counseling, a pregnancy test and an ultrasound. We know an unexpected pregnancy can be a challenging situation to face. Emotions can cloud judgment, so we create a safe place for you to process all your thoughts and feelings. You can book an appointment online here, or call us at 212-585-5829 or by text 646-734-8185.

Our staff of client advocates is specially trained to help you on an individual basis at this stressful time!

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